Daily Media Links 1/11: Gov. Cuomo’s Wish List, Kowalko introduces ‘revolving-door’ lobbying bill, and more…

January 11, 2013   •  By Joe Trotter   •  
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Independent Groups
Politico: Big donors hope to challenge NRA on gun control   
By Tarini Parti
The Giffords-linked super PAC, Americans for Responsible Solutions, is one of several gun control groups looking to raise cash and compete in the debate with the National Rifle Association. All of them have big dreams, but the NRA isn’t sitting back either — it’s pulled in 100,000 new members over the last 18 days.   
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Wall Street Journal: Appeals Court Rejects Challenge to Abortion Clinic ‘Buffer Zone’ 
By Joe Palazzolo
Lawyers for the abortion opponents argued that Citizens United eliminated speaker-based distinctions entirely. Thus, they said, a law that curbs the speech of one group (such as opponents of abortion) but not others is unconstitutional.  
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Corporate Governance 

Corporate Counsel: Congress and SEC Mulling New Rules for Corporate Campaign Donations 
By Sue Reisinger
On the Friday before the long Christmas 2012 weekend—and without a press release—the agency’s Division of Corporation Finance posted an agenda item with the Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs. It simply states, “The Division is considering whether to recommend that the Commission issue a proposed rule to require that public companies provide disclosure to shareholders regarding the use of corporate resources for political activities.” 
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Pensions and Investments: Walgreen partners with UAW trust on governance disclosures 
By Barry Burr
UAW Retiree Medical Benefits Trust and Walgreen Co. agreed to develop together a policy for the company’s oversight and disclosure of its political spending and its participation in trade associations and other tax-exempt organizations, according to a statement Wednesday from the $52.4 billion Ann Arbor, Mich.-based fund.  


Washington Post: Big political donation from modest home 
By TW Farnam
“It doesn’t appear that she has the income,” said Melanie Sloan, executive director of CREW. “That just seems very, very unlikely.”
But like the billionaire Warren Buffett, who has lived in the same modest five-bedroom stucco house in Omaha for decades, Huff said she hasn’t moved because she is comfortable and felt no need for ostentatious living.    

Candidates, Politicians and Parties

LA Times: Obama hasn’t reined in Big Money 
By Matea Gold and Christi Parsons
The relaxed rules reflect how Obama has largely dropped his efforts to curb the role of money in politics, a cause he once vowed to make central to his presidency.  
Advisors say the White House does not plan to take up campaign finance reform any time soon, even following an election that saw more than $1billion spent by outside groups, much of it financed with seven-figure donations from billionaires.  
State and Local
Delaware –– Delaware Online: Kowalko introduces ‘revolving-door’ lobbying bill 
By Doug Denison
This is the fourth time Democratic Rep. John Kowalko has filed his so-called “revolving door” bill. Iterations of the legislation in previous sessions have cleared House committees but never reached the floor for a vote.  
New York –– NY Times: Gov. Cuomo’s Wish List 
Once again, Mr. Cuomo said he would achieve the much-needed and much-delayed reform of the state’s scandalous political fund-raising laws. Most important, he vowed to start public financing for campaigns so that more candidates can compete against wealthy competitors. He promised to allow early voting in the state and to clean up New York’s notoriously cluttered ballot. Now he needs to sell these reforms to stubborn state politicians who revel in the status quo.  

Joe Trotter

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