Daily Media Links 2/6: Chris Christie on hunt for D.C. campaign cash, Business Roundtable Head Says CEOs Will Be Visible Lobbyists, and more…

February 6, 2013   •  By Joe Trotter   •  
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Useful Rhetoric 
By Joe Trotter
If there’s something to be learned from all of this, it’s that politicians are ultimately in the business of winning elections.  In an election year, decrying unpopular parts of the political system as a threat to good government is a vehicle for winning public support.  This was an extremely useful tactic for Obama during the campaign.  Now that he’s won re-election, there’s no point in sticking with that same rhetoric, especially if a 501(c)4 organization will be useful in advancing another agenda.  
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Independent Groups
The Hill: Conservatives wary of Rove super-PAC 
By Alexandra Jaffe   
Tea Party leaders are balking at the creation of a Karl Rove-backed group they consider to be a GOP establishment effort to protect incumbent Republicans against the will of the party’s grassroots — and warn they could back “alternative” candidates in response.
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Mother Jones: Exposed: The Dark-Money ATM of the Conservative Movement 
By Andy Kroll
Working out of an nondescript brick rowhouse in suburban Virginia, a little-known organization named Donors Trust, staffed by five employees, has steered hundreds of millions of dollars to the most influential think tanks, foundations, and advocacy groups in the conservative movement. Over the past decade, it has funded the right’s assault on labor unions, climate scientists, public schools, economic regulations, and the very premise of activist government. Yet unlike its nearest counterpart on the progressive side, the Tides Foundation, a bogeyman of Glenn Beck and Bill O’Reilly, Donors Trust has mostly avoided any real scrutiny. It is the dark-money ATM of the right.  
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Roll Call: Heritage Retreat Lacks Boldface Names  
By Daniel Newhauser
Some of the House’s most prominent conservatives will huddle in Baltimore this week for The Heritage Foundation retreat, but two of the most notable names in the conservative movement are skipping the occasion. 
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Lobbying and Ethics

Roll Call: Menendez: Flights to Caribbean ‘Fell Through the Cracks’  
By Emily Pierce
Embattled Sen. Robert Menendez told CNN on Monday that his failure to reimburse almost $60,000 in flights on a political donor’s plane was an oversight and that he righted the mistake “when it came to my attention.” 
The Hill: Menendez blasts prostitution ‘smears’ as ‘absolutely false’ 
By Justin Sink   
“The smears that right wing blogs have been pushing since the election, that is totally unsubstantiated — it’s amazing to me that anonymous, nameless, faceless individuals on a website can drive that kind of story into the mainstream,” Menendez told CNN in an interview Monday. “But that’s what they’ve done successfully. Now nobody can find them, nobody ever met them, nobody ever talked to them, but that’s where we’re at.”   
Politico: Harry Reid aide opens lobbying shop 
By MJ Lee
A press release announcing the news Friday included an endorsement from Reid, who said he will continue to look to Perry for advice. 
“Jake played a critical role in my 2010 election, and has been an important part of the Democrats’ success in the Senate,” he said. “He is the very best at what he does and I wish him all the best in his new endeavor. As a native Nevadan, I know that he will remain a close friend and adviser.” A spokesman for Reid did not respond to a request for comment on how closely the majority leader plans to work with Perry now that he has opened a lobbying shop.   
Roll Call: Business Roundtable Head Says CEOs Will Be Visible Lobbyists  
By Kate Ackley
John Engler, president of the CEO lobby Business Roundtable, on Thursday offered his group’s 2013 policy priorities, which he said could boost the economy. The roundtable will marshal its lobbying and communications resources to push its agenda, which includes a lower corporate tax rate, comprehensive immigration legislation and changes to entitlement programs, among other matters. 
State and Local
New Jersey –– CPI: Chris Christie on hunt for D.C. campaign cash 
By Dave Levinthal
New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie is heading to Washington, D.C., to score what could be hundreds of thousands of campaign dollars waiting for him at the palatial home of one of the nation’s leading lobbyists — BGR Group Chairman Ed Rogers.   

Joe Trotter

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