Daily Media Links 6/24: Obama taps two for Federal Election Commission, Outspoken FEC Commissioner’s Consequential Tenure Coming To An End, and more…

June 24, 2013   •  By Joe Trotter   •  
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In the News
Washington Post: Obama taps two for Federal Election Commission 
By Matea Gold
“I hope she will exercise her power with restraint and understand that the role of an FEC commissioner is not to be a roving police of political speech,” said Bradley A. Smith, a former FEC commissioner who chairs the Center for Competitive Politics.  
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National Journal: Outspoken FEC Commissioner’s Consequential Tenure Coming To An End 
By Reid Wilson
“He worked to preserve the rights of speakers with whom he disagreed as much as those with whom he agreed, and to enforce the law fairly,” said Bradley Smith, a former FEC chairman and head of the Center for Competitive Politics, a group that has opposed efforts to strengthen campaign finance laws. 
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Commissioner McGahn Leaves FEC 
By Brad Smith
The job of FEC Commissioner is typically a thankless one, especially for one who doesn’t toe the line of so-called “reformers,” who openly long for the suppression of political speech under the guise of preventing corruption. The Center thanks Commissioner McGahn for his work as a champion of First Amendment rights on the Commission.  
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McConnell Warns of “a Culture of Intimidation” Suppressing Free Speech 
By Luke Wachob
Sen. McConnell’s claim that the IRS’s harassment of conservative organizations fits within a broader government effort to stifle political speech is corroborated by recent developments in other government agencies. Several of these bodies like the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) and the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) have crept into the business of regulating campaign finance – even though this task has nothing to do with the agencies’ legitimate purpose.  
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Independent Groups
Washington Post: New pro-Hillary Clinton super PAC attracts donors and worries 
By Philip Rucker and Matea Gold
But, in an unusual decision, the group says it is capping donations at $25,000 per person, which organizers believe gives it a grass-roots sheen. Parkhomenko said donors have asked to contribute more than $1 million but that he has turned them down.  
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WSJ: Notable & Quotable 
The real reason the Left was so concerned about Citizens United was that they thought it meant more conservatives would start to form what are known as social welfare organizations—something they’d been doing, with groups like Planned Parenthood and the Sierra Club, for years. And what’s notable about social welfare groups is they don’t have to disclose their donors.  
That was the main concern of the President and his allies. They weren’t interested in the integrity of the process. If they were, they’d have been just as upset at Left-wing groups for maintaining the privacy of their donors. What they really wanted was a hook that enabled them to stir up outrage about conservative groups, so they could get their hands on the names of the folks who supported them—and then go after them. Citizens United provided that hook.  
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Politico: Survey: Corporations still shun super PACs 
By Byron Tau
Despite the fears of progressive activists in the post-Citizens United era, a new study finds that corporations are still very hesitant to embrace super PACs. 
A survey of 151 PAC staffers from the corporate and trade association world finds that most corporations prefer issue advocacy activities and traditional PAC giving to super PACs and other relatively new independent efforts. Continue Reading   
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(Note: statement reprinted in its entirety): Finally, President Obama has submitted FEC nominees to the Senate for consideration. As many well know, I have long desired to leave, but committed to stay to prevent the FEC from further trampling on our First Amendment and Due Process Rights. I am pleased that a willing and capable successor has been vetted and nominated, and look forward to returning to practice law in the future.
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Huffington Post: FEC Commissioners Nominated: Obama Taps Ann Ravel, Lee Goodman For Election Oversight 
By Paul Blumenthal
WASHINGTON — President Barack Obama on Friday announced the nomination of Ann Ravel and Lee E. Goodman to fill two commissioner seats at the Federal Election Commission.
If confirmed by the Senate, one nominee will take the seat left empty by the February resignation of Cynthia Bauerly, and the other will replace Commissioner Don McGahn, who, like every other current FEC commissioner, is serving an expired term.
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Joe Trotter

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