First Amendment and Campaigns: More Campaign Speech Benefits Voters

January 1, 2018  •  By IFS Staff  •    •  

At the heart of the First Amendment is the assumption that Americans are best served by a full and free discussion of whom to elect. The American system of government sits atop the bedrock of the First Amendment. From the pamphleteering of the founding era to the Facebook ads of today, political campaigns have been premised upon free and open…

15 Things Vox Forgot to Mention about “Money in Politics” (Part I)

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August 25, 2014   •  By Scott Blackburn   •’s “40 charts that explain money in politics” fails miserably at, well, explaining money in politics. The charts seem to be less an explanation ...

DoubleSpeak: "Campaign Finance Reform"

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July 28, 2014   •  By Scott Blackburn   •  

This is the first in a series of posts analyzing the language used in debates about campaign finance laws and regulations. Supporters of increased ...

“More Speech, Not Enforced Silence”

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July 25, 2014   •  By Generic User   •  

For the past seven weeks, I have had the pleasure of working for the Center for Competitive Politics, the nation’s largest organization dedicated solely ...

Patriotic Veterans v. Indiana

July 10, 2014   •  By IFS staff   •  , ,

Can a group of veterans be prohibited from advocating for public policy, because they wish to use robocalls? That is the question at the ...

“McCutcheon v. FEC: Two Books on the Supreme Court’s Latest Campaign Finance Case” (Video)

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June 19, 2014   •  By Generic User   •  

On June 18, the Cato Institute hosted a book forum featuring several renowned figures in the campaign finance community. Shaun McCutcheon, the eponymous plaintiff ...

Ineffectual Laws and Individual Liberties

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June 10, 2014   •  By Generic User   •  

Any law regulating an individual or organization’s free speech rights also implicates their First Amendment rights. The first five words of the First Amendment, ...

CCP Submits Comment on the New York Emergency Regulations Relative to Independent Expenditure Reporting

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June 10, 2014   •  By Joe Trotter   •  

New York State recently issued emergency regulations on independent expenditures, changing the definition of what constitutes an independent expenditure so that it now reads ...

Comment on the New York Emergency Regulations Relative to Independent Expenditure Reporting

June 10, 2014   •  By Allen Dickerson   •  , ,

On behalf of the Center for Competitive Politics (“CCP”), I write to respectfully comment on the Emergency Regulations Relative to Independent Expenditure Reporting, which ...

Exploring a Constitutional Amendment to Amend the First Amendment and Promote Incumbents

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June 4, 2014   •  By Luke Wachob   •  

At a June 3 hearing, the Senate Judiciary Committee turned its infinite wisdom to the subject of amending the U.S. Constitution to empower Congress ...

Statement of David Keating to the Senate Judiciary Committee on the Constitutional Amendment Proposal

June 3, 2014   •  By Matt Nese   •  ,

Mr. Chairman and members of the Committee, thank you for the opportunity to present our views on the hearing titled, “Examining a Constitutional Amendment ...

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