Candidate pledges denouncing support from select groups tend to utilize public misunderstanding of campaign finance law to generate the facade of moral superiority, trade ...
Mallory Rechtenbach has joined the Institute for Free Speech for a one-year term as our inaugural First Amendment Fellow. In this position, she will ...
While free societies need legal protections for speech, laws are only as effective as the cultural influences that safeguard them. Our society needs both ...
If we want more speech and association in our society (and we should), then we need to focus on bringing down the costs for ...
While some may have faith in disclosure laws’ ability to pinpoint instances of favoritism, despite the lack of evidence that such laws improve perceptions ...
Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act of 1996 shields internet platforms like Twitter, Facebook, and your local newspaper from liability for the content ...
It is not enough just to try and protect free speech during an emergency. Rather, it is essential that, in advance of an emergency, ...
Conservatives in favor of changing Section 230 argue that web platforms would be less likely to censor voices on the right if their protection ...
Protest is a mechanism for achieving proper governance. It is vital that we provide adequate legal protection to protesters. If the mere threat of ...
Many false statements are protected by the First Amendment, for good reason. Determining whether political statements or ads are false or deceptive is often ...