The Institute for Free Speech is happy to announce the addition of two new attorneys to its legal team in recent months, Brett Nolan ...
On Monday March 27, 2023, the Supreme Court heard the case United v. Hansen. The issue in the case is how broadly the government ...
What would you do if a powerful government regulator “suggested” you drop one of your customers because she didn’t like the customer’s political speech? ...
In January 2023, OpenSecrets, an organization dedicated to tracking money in politics, published the startling claim that in the 2022 election cycle “business interests” ...
Here’s yet another sign that your First Amendment rights are under attack by politicians – a ban on political signs.
While there were many interesting results in this year’s 2022 midterms, the claim that money can simply buy elections was notably dealt another serious ...
It has not been a good month at PayPal. On November 3rd the online payment platform would have brought into effect a policy change ...
It struck us the FEC’s “Draft Final Rule and Explanation and Justification for Internet Communications Disclaimers” on the agenda today doesn’t explain or justify ...
Elected officials are turning to tax laws in an effort to punish or restrict speech. At the same time, provisions omitted from the latest ...
Once again congressional Democratic leaders tried, and failed, to pass the DISCLOSE Act, a bill that would publicly expose the names and addresses of ...