Reviving the Lost Liberty: Why the Assembly Clause Matters Today

August 26, 2024   •  By Nathan Ristuccia   •  ,

Protests on a range of sensitive issues have roiled college campuses across the nation this year, reigniting debates about the scope and limits of ...

Biden’s Exit Exposed the Chaotic Maze of Campaign Finance Law

August 12, 2024   •  By David Keating   •  ,

A $92 million war chest and unclear regulations highlight the need for reform to protect political speech.

Proper masking law promotes freedom

August 7, 2024   •  By Nathan Ristuccia   •  , ,

Freedom of speech and assembly are not only for the bold. Timid citizens also have a right to speak and assemble, without putting their ...

Legal or not, Harris is seizing Biden’s campaign cash

July 31, 2024   •  By Brad Smith   •  ,

President Biden’s sudden and unprecedented withdrawal with just a few months remaining in the 2024 presidential race raises a host of issues. One key question is how ...

Finally, Ohio may get a remedy for lawsuits seeking to suppress citizens’ free speech rights

July 16, 2024   •  By Charles "Chip" Miller   •  , ,

It’s time for Ohio to join the many states that protect speakers with UPEPA laws. Since 2022 alone, eight states have enacted or improved ...

A Win for Political Speech at the Supreme Court

June 26, 2024   •  By Charles "Chip" Miller   •  ,

To protect political expression, trademark registration should be limited to commercial purposes.

You Shouldn’t Need the Courage of Your Convictions to Speak

June 21, 2024   •  By David Keating   •  , ,

Sometimes it's foolish to speak publicly and anonymity is warranted.

NRA v. Vullo: A Resounding Win for Free Speech, But Will It Endure?

June 14, 2024   •  By Charles "Chip" Miller   •  ,

The United States Supreme Court issued a major free speech decision expanding the protections for political speech against regulatory intimidation by New York state. ...

Enact free speech protection in Ohio

June 14, 2024   •  By Charles "Chip" Miller   •  , ,

As a former Ohio judge, former Ohio deputy attorney general, and a current free-speech litigator, I want our state’s laws to offer strong protection ...

Hysteria over misinformation fuels California bill to dox influencers

June 7, 2024   •  By Tiffany Donnelly   •  , , ,

One of the few politically unifying events of the past year was the shared response to then-presidential candidate Nikki Haley’s plan to abolish anonymity on social ...

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