Read the latest information and opinion from IFS experts in defense of the First Amendment.
Voters face a critical decision that will significantly affect Mainers’ First Amendment right to free speech.
Oklahoma’s top education official seems to have forgotten a lesson taught in every civics class: our constitutional rights under the First Amendment.
A bill purporting to stop “foreign influence in elections” might sound like a good idea. But, as the saying goes, don’t judge a book ...
Protests on a range of sensitive issues have roiled college campuses across the nation this year, reigniting debates about the scope and limits of ...
A $92 million war chest and unclear regulations highlight the need for reform to protect political speech.
Freedom of speech and assembly are not only for the bold. Timid citizens also have a right to speak and assemble, without putting their ...
President Biden’s sudden and unprecedented withdrawal with just a few months remaining in the 2024 presidential race raises a host of issues. One key question is how ...
It’s time for Ohio to join the many states that protect speakers with UPEPA laws. Since 2022 alone, eight states have enacted or improved ...
To protect political expression, trademark registration should be limited to commercial purposes.
Sometimes it's foolish to speak publicly and anonymity is warranted.
A recently passed measure would restrict Mainers' fundamental First Amendment political speech rights, contradicting unanimous federal court precedent
Settlement protects journalists' First Amendment right to cover education officials
Parent Harry Pollak, represented by the Institute for Free Speech, prevailed in his lawsuit to protect his First Amendment right to criticize public officials ...
Eleventh Circuit strikes down unconstitutional restrictions on parent comments in response to lawsuit brought by the Institute for Free Speech
Lawsuit filed after school officials threatened ejection and arrest at girls’ high school soccer game, then imposed trespass orders against parents
Temporary restraining order prevents state education officials from blocking journalists’ access to meetings and press conferences
More people, more speech, and more time: Arizona’s Proposition 211 expands on previous donor disclosure laws in nearly every way.
Education Department repeatedly blocks KFOR-TV journalists’ access to meetings and press conferences
City censored citizen request to fly Pine Tree Flag commemorating Battle of Bunker Hill
Injunction halts NYC education officials' viewpoint discrimination and protects parents' free speech rights while litigation brought by Institute for Free Speech attorneys moves forward
We’re Hiring! Senior Attorney – Institute for Free Speech – Washington, DC or Virtual Office The Institute for Free Speech is hiring a Senior Attorney with ...
In the News Washington Times: Lawsuit accuses Georgia school board of censoring moms at meetings By Sean Salai Two mothers have sued a Georgia school board ...
New from the Institute for Free Speech Forsyth County Schools Sued for Censorship at Board Meetings Concerned parents in Forsyth County want school officials ...
Congress People United for Privacy: PUFP Letter in Response to the U.S. Senate Committee on Rules and Administration’s July 19 hearing on “The DISCLOSE Act” ...
The Courts Washington Free Beacon: Court Overrules School District That Banned Father Who Exposed Obscene Library Books By Elizabeth Troutman A federal judge on Wednesday ...
In the News Epoch Times: Every Senate Dem but Sinema Backs Bill to Compromise First Amendment Freedom of Speech By Mark Tapscott First introduced in ...
In the News Bucks County Courier Times: Pennsbury settles free speech lawsuit. What it could mean to other districts By Peg Quann The impact of ...
In the News Insider: Ted Cruz: Democrats used to support free speech, but ‘unfortunately, that time has long since passed’ By Hanna Kang David Keating, ...
We’re Hiring! Senior Attorney – Institute for Free Speech – Washington, DC or Virtual Office The Institute for Free Speech is hiring a Senior Attorney with ...
In the News Philadelphia Inquirer: The Pennsbury School District will pay $300,000 to settle lawsuit over four men’s curtailed public comments By Maddie Hanna The ...