Daily Media Links 12/19: Campaign Finance Reform Takes a Step Forward in Albany, D.C.’s Tommy Wells to force campaign finance votes, and more…

December 19, 2012   •  By Joe Trotter   •  
Default Article
Super PAC App Data Revealing 
By Sarah Lee
An interesting article popped up the other day in a regular search for campaign finance-related news, especially as it relates to emerging technology because that stuff is just coming down the pike. Coming elections are going to be heavy with social media and smartphone apps, and this one is particularly useful in a sort of exit-polling kind of way.   
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Independent Groups
Washington Free Beacon: Gun Control Credo 
By CJ Ciaramella
Hundreds of gun control advocates marched on the National Rifle Association’s federal affairs headquarters in Washington, D.C., Monday in an action organized by a deep-pocketed liberal Super PAC with ties to the shadowy Democracy Alliance collective of super-wealthy left-wing donors.  
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Candidates, Politicians and Parties

Washington Examiner: Team Obama still raising money–off Sandy Hook shootings  
By Paul Bedard
Obama critic and blogger Jeryl Bier wrote, “Not one, but two buttons – two opportunities to donate to the Obama campaign. Not to the Red Cross, or to a memorial fund for the children and adults killed in Newtown. How hard would it have been to shift the focus, disable the buttons, for just one email, just one blog post? But the show must go on.”
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Associated Press: Electoral College vote affirms Obama re-election  
By Brian Bakst
ST. PAUL, Minn. (AP) — Tradition trumped suspense Monday as members of the Electoral College cast the official, final votes in the 2012 presidential election, a constitutional formality on President Barack Obama’s march to a second term.  
Roll Call: Shop Talk: Moran Closes In on NRSC Executive Director  
By Abby Livingston
No committee’s leadership is likely to face more pressure than that of the NRSC. The past two election cycles were brutal for Senate Republicans. Gaffe-prone candidates who couldn’t raise money won GOP primaries and blew general election campaigns in a few easy-win states, and many within the party are looking to Moran and his team to clean things up. 
Washington Post: Democrats’ diversity drought 
By Aaron Blake
Come January, Republicans will have at least as many minority senators as Democrats and will have four minority governors to Democrats’ one. 

Lobbying and Ethics

Washington Post: House sets votes on Hatch Act reform, disciplinary standards 
By Eric Yoder
The House plans to vote Tuesday on two federal employment-related bills, one that would allow lesser discipline in cases involving banned political activities, and the other allowing for stiffer actions against high-ranking employees in misconduct and similar cases. 
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Roll Call: Street Talk: ‘Tax Chicks’ Brought Equity to K Street  
By Kate Ackley
“During the ’80s, there was an informal practice that the women who worked on Finance, Ways and Means and Joint Tax returned the calls of Tax Coalition members before they returned the calls of anyone else,” said Goold, who is now director of federal taxation with the National Association of Realtors. 
The Hill: The top 10 lobbying victories of this year 
By Kevin Bogardus
The influence industry scored several hard-fought victories in a year in which lawmakers were more focused on campaigning than legislating.
State and Local
District of Columbia –– Washington Examiner: D.C.’s Tommy Wells to force campaign finance votes 
By Alan Blinder
Just weeks ago, it appeared unlikely that any campaign finance legislation would face a vote by the full council this year after Ward 4 Councilwoman Muriel Bowser chose not to move any proposals out of the committee she chairs.  
New York –– NBC: Campaign Finance Reform Takes a Step Forward in Albany
By Gabe Pressman
It may be a rare moment in the never-ending struggle to achieve campaign finance reform. A moment that some reformers thought might never come.   

Joe Trotter

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