Daily Media Links 12/5: Zero political contributions for contractors, Super PACs become lobbying force, and more…

December 5, 2012   •  By Joe Trotter   •  
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Appeal Filed in Biennial Contribution Limit Case 
By Sarah Lee
ALEXANDRIA, VA – The Center for Competitive Politics (CCP) today announced that an appeal to the U.S. Supreme Court has been filed in the lawsuit challenging one of the aggregate contribution limits in federal campaign finance laws.  
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Independent Groups

Associated Press: FreedomWorks Chairman Dick Armey quits tea party group in secret deal that pays him $8 million 
WASHINGTON — Eased out with an $8 million payout provided by an influential Republican fundraiser, former GOP House Majority Leader Dick Armey says he has left the conservative tea party group FreedomWorks because of an internal split over the group’s future direction.  
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Roll Call: Record Spending in 2012 Elections Could Spur Rules Changes, Experts Say  
By Eliza Newlin Carney
“They leave out the third factor, which is that it would lead to a system of legalized bribery — pure, legalized bribery,” Wertheimer said.  
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Politico: Report: Dick Armey quits FreedomWorks 
By Kevin Cirilli
As for why he split, he declined to get into specifics. “They were matters of principle. It’s how you do business as opposed to what you do. But I don’t want to be the guy to create problems,” he told Mother Jones.    
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US News: Sheldon Adelson Spent $150 Million on Election  
By Seth Cline
Sheldon Adelson didn’t spend the $100 million he promised he would to beat President Barack Obama this cycle. He didn’t spend the $54 million he reported to the Federal Election Commission.  

Politico: Michael Bloomberg donated $50,000 to EMILY’s List Super PAC  
By Tarini Parti
New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg gave $50,000 to the super PAC affiliated with Democratic abortion rights group EMILY’s List just before Election Day, federal campaign finance reports filed Tuesday show.   

Lobbying and Ethics

Roll Call: New Lobbyist Leader Presses for Change on K Street  
By Kate Ackley
“It’s our profession, and I want to make sure people understand exactly what we’re doing on a day-to-day basis,” Ward said. “We’re not just walking around Capitol Hill with cash sticking out of our pocket, trying to hand out everywhere.” 
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USA Today: Super PACs become lobbying force 
By Fredreka Schouten
5:40PM EST December 3. 2012 – WASHINGTON – The National Association of Realtors has spent more than $65 million to lobby Congress and federal agencies on a wide array of issues in the past three years – from preserving mortgage-interest deductions on vacation homes to opposing efforts to increase the down payments required for home loans.  

State and Local

District of Columbia –– Washington Post: Mendelson: No time left for campaign finance reform this session 
By Tim Craig 
D.C. Council Chairman Phil Mendelson (D) on Monday all but declared campaign finance reform dead for the session, saying there is almost no chance the body can complete work on the issue before the Christmas recess.  

New Jersey –– Upper Township Gazette: Zero political contributions for contractors 
PETERSBURG – Upper Township Committee approved an ordinance last week that prohibits any contribution from contractors to candidates running for local political office. 

Joe Trotter

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