Daily Media Links 2/5: Commission OKs Campaign Donation Texting at State Level, Corporate Freedom of Speech, and more…

February 5, 2013   •  By Joe Trotter   •  
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In the News
Washington Free Beacon: Obama Embraces ‘Dark Money’
By Alana Goodman
Bradley A. Smith, chair of the Center for Competitive Politics, said OFA’s decision to reach out to companies like Walmart and Boeing was an acknowledgment from the president that undisclosed corporate money is not necessarily a corrupting influence in politics.  
“Obama shows through his actions what he really believes,” said Smith. “When he takes these contributions he [shows he] understands … this is not necessarily corrupting.”  
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Brad Smith at Cato on Campaign Finance Post Citizens United 
By Sarah Lee
Watch Brad Smith at a Cato Institute Event discuss campaign finance since 2010′s Citizens United decision.  
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Independent Groups
Hot Air: New AFP ad: Say, remember when Obama demonized groups like us? 
By Ed Morrissey
“While I certainly don’t begrudge Obama for making use of such an organization and taking donations from whoever he wishes, the hypocrisy of doing so is jaw-dropping given the President practically made a part-time job out of bashing groups like Americans for Prosperity and others for… being organized as a 501-C4. The entire Left and many in the media got in on the action, even coining scary sounding monikers like ‘dark money’ to further the Obama rhetoric.  
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Politico: Crossroads effort mocked on right 
By Alexander Burns
Two powerful conservative groups reacted with scorn Sunday to a newly unveiled American Crossroads initiative, dubbed the Conservative Victory Project, that plans to work against Republican primary candidates it views as unelectable.   
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Corporate Governance 

NACD: Scarce Resource: Corporate Freedom of Speech  
By Jeff Cunningham
Former SEC Commissioner Paul S. Atkins was no stranger to the agency when he was appointed by President George W. Bush in 2002, having served in the early 1990s under SEC Chairman Richard C. Breeden as chief of staff and Chairman Arthur Levitt as counselor. Atkins, whose experience spans decades in financial services and securities regulation, is currently chief executive of Patomak Global Partners, which provides consulting services on corporate and financial services industry matters. He also is non-executive chairman of the board of BATS Global Markets, an operator of leading securities exchanges in the U.S. and Europe. With 2012 marking the first presidential election since the U.S. Supreme Court’s Citizens United ruling and with demands from shareholder activists for additional disclosure on the rise,NACD Directorship asked Atkins to share his insights into the latest challenges facing directors and management.  

Candidates, Politicians and Parties

Roll Call: Appropriations Assignments Are No Longer Coveted  
By Kerry Young
As the story goes, when President Franklin D. Roosevelt in 1942 asked Sen. Kenneth McKellar, then the ranking member of the Appropriations Committee, to quietly provide $2 billion for a secret weapons lab, the Tennessee Democrat had a brief and quick response. 

Lobbying and Ethics

The Hill: Menendez allegations growing rapidly, creating headache for Democrats 
By Jordy Ya   
The bad news keeps coming: a Senate Ethics probe, allegations involving underage prostitutes, an FBI investigation of a key campaign donor, undisclosed flights on the donor’s private plane, and now, reports linking Menendez to an existing multi-million dollar contract he urged officials to enforce for the disgraced donor.   
Politico: Can Robert Menendez survive? 
Democratic Sen. Robert Menendez has found himself at the center of a growing controversy, with accusations swirling of a questionable friendship with a Florida eye surgeon being investigated for Medicare fraud, improper flights to the Dominican Republic and alleged patronizing of prostitutes — including underage girls — while in the Caribbean nation.   


IBT: What The New FEC Rules For Political Contributions Actually Say
By Ashley Portero
The Federal Election Commission released its guidelines for the new, increased campaign contributions this week, which the Center for Responsive Politics reports are typically adjusted for inflation during non-election years.  
State and Local
Arizona –– Cronkite News Service: Measure would shed light on ‘dark money’  
PHOENIX — A state lawmaker wants to force shadowy political groups to disclose the sources of dark money they pump into campaigns. 
Texas –– Roll Call: Texas: Commission OKs Campaign Donation Texting at State Level  
By Abby Livingston
The Texas Ethics Commission gave its blessing Thursday to campaign donations via text messaging in state races, according to a website run by the Republican attorney who pushed for the change.  

Joe Trotter

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