Daily Media Links 3/28: Bloomberg Media’s ‘View’ discloses campaign finance ignorance, McCain predicts “huge” U.S. campaign finance scandals, and more…

March 28, 2012   •  By Joe Trotter   •  
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In the News

Washington Examiner: Bloomberg Media’s ‘View’ discloses campaign finance ignorance
by Bradley Smith
The FEC already provides incredible transparency in campaign finance. Every political committee — including PACs, super-PACs, candidates and party committees — must report all contributions and all expenditures to the FEC. Spenders that are not political committees — non-profits, corporations, unions — must report any expenditure over $250 to the FEC. All of this information is published on the FEC website, as provided by current law.  

Reuters: McCain predicts “huge” U.S. campaign finance scandals
by Alina Selyukh
Another panelist, David Keating of the Center for Competitive Politics, defended the wide-open system created by the court’s ruling, as well as the justices’ reasoning.  “Corporations have (free) speech because they’re made up of individuals,” he said.  

iWatch: John McCain predicts ‘huge scandals’ in super PAC-tainted election  
by Michael Beckel
Sen. John McCain slammed the Supreme Court’s 2010 Citizens United decision as “incredibly naïve” on Tuesday, and predicted there would be “huge scandals” in its wake…  
….Panelist David Keating, president of the Center for Competitive Politics, which advocates for First Amendment political rights, countered that there’s “no evidence there’s illegal coordination going on.”

Daily Beast: Resistance to FCC broadcast disclosure rules for political ads puzzles advocates  
by Howard Kurtz
David Keating, president of the Center for Competitive Politics, defended the Supreme Court ruling on free-speech grounds. “Corporations have speech because they’re made up of individuals,” he said. Keating also defended the independence of super PACs, saying “it is not rocket science” for staffers supporting a candidate to devise a sympathetic message without illegal coordination.  

Independent groups

Bloomberg: Pro-Romney PAC Killing Machine With Attack Ads
by Heidi Przybyla
A new ad airing today in the run-up to the April 3 Wisconsin primary replays footage of Rick Santorum saying he doesn’t “care what the unemployment rate’s going to be” and accuses him of voting against national right- to-work legislation. 

The Hill: McCain: Citizens United will bring ‘major scandals’ 
by Daniel Strauss
Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) predicted there would be “major scandals” as a result of the rise of super-PACs thanks to the Citizens United ruling by the Supreme Court.

Politico: Karl Rove’s fight club 
by Kenneth P. Vogel
A coalition that helped Republicans retake the House majority in 2010 is back and plotting even bigger plans in 2012, with more money, more players — and more problems.   

Politico Romney super PAC hitting N.Y., Del., Conn. 
by Alexander Burns
The pro-Romney super PAC Restore Our Future has begun buying airtime in three Northeastern states with primaries nearly a month away, including the mega-state of New York, a GOP source tells me.  


Associated Press: Conservative groups challenging campaign finance law formally seek Supreme Court interventio
American Tradition Partnership filed the request Tuesday. The group is challenging the state’s 1912 Corrupt Practices Act.  

US News & World Report: McCain Calls SCOTUS Decision on Campaign Spending ‘Stupid’  
by Rebekah Metzler
Arrogant, naïve and stupid.  
Those are the words Sen. John McCain used to describe the Supreme Court 2010 decision that overturned major portions of the campaign finance law he championed.  


The Nation: Two SEC Commissioners Could Dramatically Change Campaign Finance
by George Zornick
In his opinion in Citizen’s United, Justice Anthony Kennedy incorrectly asserted that shareholders would be in the loop on political spending, but there’s actually no such requirement. One SEC commissioner, Luis Aguilar, already said he would support a disclosure rule on public corporations. Only two more votes would be needed to pass the rule—and reformers are pushing hard. They held a demonstration outside the SEC this morning, aiming to tell the SEC the “clock is ticking” on disclosure and that it’s “time to wake up.” (Hence the above-pictured human alarm clock).  

National Journal: FCC Reform Clears House, but Is Likely Dead in Senate
by Josh Smith
The House rejected a number of amendments, including one that would have required disclosure of spending on political ads and another that mandated warning labels on wireless baby monitors. Most of the amendments were proposed by Democrats who say the bill would undermine the FCC’s ability to do its job. 

Candidates and parties

Associated Press: Romney’s fundraisers are quietly amassing millions 
Mitt Romney’s presidential fundraising operation dwarfs those of his Republican rivals, with more than $75 million already in donations. It also operates mysteriously at times, withholding the names of Romney’s major fundraisers who have helped amass much of its money.

Joe Trotter

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