Daily Media Links 7/10: Koch and Rove Groups Facing New Legal Challenge from Democrats, Shelley Berkley faces formal ethics investigation, and more…

July 10, 2012   •  By Joe Trotter   •  
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In the News

Reuters: Can shareholder activism affect corporate political spending? 
By Alison Frankel
“Materiality has to be about the corporation’s budget,” Dickerson told me. “Management has a fiduciary duty to shareholders, but they make much larger decisions all the time.”


Are corporations spending “unprecedented sums?” Setting the record straight 
By Brad Smith
Roll Call’s Eliza Newlin Carney is on a mission. Today Carney takes on competing claims about the role of corporations in the 2008 campaign.
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Independent groups

Roll Call: Rules of the Game: Debate Over Corporate Spending Spans Parallel Universes  
By Eliza Newlin Carney
Are big corporations taking over American elections? It depends whether you ask liberals or conservatives, who can’t even agree on the basic facts. 
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The Hill: Wireless carriers resist allowing campaign donations by text 
By Brendan Sasso
The major wireless companies are expressing concern about plans to allow political campaigns to collect donations through text messages.  
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Candidates and parties

NY Times: Romney Mines the Hamptons for Campaign Cash 
A woman in a blue chiffon dress poked her head out of a black Range Rover here on Sunday afternoon and yelled to an aide to Mitt Romney. “Is there a V.I.P. entrance? We are V.I.P.”
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NY Times: Romney Outraises Obama by Half in June 
Updated Mitt Romney and the Republican National Committee easily outraised President Obama and the Democrats in June, pulling in $106.1 million, a substantial increase in Mr. Romney’s fund-raising pace and a sign of the growing competitiveness of the battle for campaign dollars against Mr. Obama, who raised $71 million during the same period.  

Lobbying and ethics

Washington Times: Shelley Berkley faces formal ethics investigation 
By Ed O’Keefe 
The House Ethics Committee has voted unanimously to launch a formal investigation into allegations that Rep. Shelley Berkley (D-Nev.) used her position to benefit the financial interests of her husband — a blow to her candidacy in one of the nation’s most competitive Senate contests.  


Bloomberg: Koch and Rove Groups Facing New Legal Challenge from Democrats 
The Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee today asked the Federal Election Commission to investigate three Republican-leaning nonprofits who are spending millions on the 2012 campaigns. 

Joe Trotter

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