Daily Media Links 9/25: Senate campaigns attacking opponents for ties to lobby groups, Voters With Real Power, and more…

September 25, 2012   •  By Joe Trotter   •  
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In the News

Learn Liberty (IHS): Is Money Speech? 
Brad Smith
Americans have the right to free speech, but what does that include? Is money a form of speech?  

Independent groups

Wall Street Journal: Super PAC Influence Falls Short Of Aims 
So far, these super PACs are looking less than super.  
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Roll Call: Phone Company PAC Funds Campaigns Against Republicans With Customer Overpayments  
By Janie Lorber
A liberal phone company is asking customers to overpay their bills to support its new super PAC and is using the money to wage a ground war against 10 tea-party-aligned House conservatives. 
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Reuters: Scalia v. Posner: Round 4
By Terry Baynes  
Sept 21 (Reuters) – Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia has fired another salvo in his unusual public feud with Judge Richard Posner over the meaning of “legislative history.”   


Politico: Sheldon Adelson: Inside the mind of the mega-donor  
By Mike Allen
LAS VEGAS — At the Republican National Convention in Tampa last month, casino magnate Sheldon Adelson got high-fives from strangers; entertained Karl Rove, Rudy Giuliani and George Pataki in his well-stocked luxury box; ate dinner with House Speaker John Boehner; and had a private meeting with House Majority Leader Eric Cantor.   

Candidates and parties

Roll Call: Triage Looms Over Campaigns  
By Shira Toeplitz
For Congressional incumbents seeking re-election, the most vicious part of every cycle awaits: triage. 

Bloomberg: Obama Controls Most of His Money as Republicans Have More 
By Jeanne Cummings
Not every political dollar carries the same value, and by one measure the Republicans’ financial edge in the presidential race is less formidable than it appears.

Wall Street Journal: Sought: Voters With Real Power 
With six weeks until Election Day, the presidential campaigns need to figure out where best to spend their money and their candidates’ time. Unfortunately for them, there are widely divergent theories about which states’ voters have the most power to cast decisive votes in a White House race.  

Lobbying and ethics

National Law Journal: Senate campaigns attacking opponents for ties to lobby groups
By Andrew Ramonas
An oft-maligned Washington trade is under attack, again.  

Joe Trotter

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